Toilet Training Success Academy Online Course

Address One Of The Top Most Problematic Milestones Worldwide

How Pediatric Therapists Can Toilet Train Neurodivergent Children and Teens Without Feeling Incompetent or Frustrated with Carryover...

Enroll Now


How Toilet Training Success Academy Works 


Who is this for? 

This Distance Learning - Independent Professional Development Activity is for Pediatric Occupational Therapists, COTAs, Speech Language Pathologists, and Physical Therapists that are determined to toilet train neurodiverse children and teens quickly.

When does it start?

You start as soon as you enroll and will have immediate 12-month access to our self-paced, 8-contact hour online curriculum. Rest assured, you can have peace of mind knowing you’ll never feel alone in your journey because we are here with you every step of the way. Dedicate only 1 hour per week and you'll finish the entire online course in 8 easy weeks.

What's included?

This online program awards 0.8 AOTA CEUs and is at an Intermediate educational level and is result oriented. It provides you with evidence-based toilet training systems for each setting, measurement instruments, assessments, goal writing templates, 50+ toileting resources, new toileting intervention plans to ensure carryover, and much more.

Toilet Training Success Academy is for you if:

  • You work with Autism, ADHD, Oppositional defiant disorder, Sensory processing disorder, Down syndrome, Spina Bifida, and related diagnoses
  • You have kiddos on your caseload who are still in diapers that desperately need to be toilet trained
  • You feel guilty avoiding toileting goals knowing your client could be toilet trained given the proper intervention and carryover
  • You want to have the confidence knowing your family will follow through at home when you're not there

🎉 Expert Guest Speakers 🎉

Kelly Mahler, OTD, OTR/L - Expert in Interoception and Toilet Training

Kelly is the winner of multiple awards including the 2020 AOTA Emerging and Innovative Practice Award & a Mom’s Choice Gold Medal, she is an interoception groupie who is actively involved in research projects on topics such as interoception, self-regulation, trauma, and autism.

In our interview, she reveals the root cause as to why some children don't recognize that they need to toilet and exactly what we can do to achieve ultimate toileting success. 

Kerri Hample, OTD, OTR/L - Expert in Selective Eaters and Toilet Training

Kerri has 20+ years of experience working with selective eaters and toileting problems. During her extensive continuing education in accomplishing her Certification as a Functional Medicine Health Coach, she has discovered a deeper root to these problems.

In our interview, she reveals the vicious cycle behind our children's food habits and how to break them in order to achieve ultimate toileting independence once and for all.

Dr. Steve Hodges, Pediatric Urologist MD - Expert in Enuresis, Encopresis, and Toilet Training

Children with severe bedwetting and accident problems are referred to Dr. Hodges on a daily basis. 

During our interview, he reveals how to resolve constipation, urine withholding, and bedwetting with diagnoses such as Autism, ADHD, ODD, and SPD in order to achieve ultimate toileting independence and prevent years of suffering.

AOTA Approved

8 Contact Hours = 0.8 AOTA CEUs

After completing this intermediate, 8-hour self-paced course, you will be awarded 0.8 CEUs (8 contact hours) only if you:

✅ Complete all 7 modules

✅ Pass the simple quizzes

✅ Submit your case study, and

✅ Complete the required post-course satisfaction questionnaire.

You'll have lifetime access to the content but have 12 months upon enrolling to complete the course to receive the CEU.

I almost gave up on toilet training...


Many people don't know this about me, but I really struggled when I started as a Pediatric COTA/L with the main goal of being the most impactful therapist I could be to the families I served.


Let me tell you a quick story about the time I was trying to address toileting problems with one of my 4-year-old non-speaking clients who had a major meltdown in the clinic’s bathroom that was directly in front of the "quiet" waiting room as all the parents and staff watched in awkwardness. 


At the time, I was trying to become my primary caregiver's and client's hero and finally get my client out of diapers and become independent in toileting.


His mother was tired of him missing out on extracurricular activities because he wasn’t “potty trained,” and as a pediatric therapist, I saw the consequences he suffered from being withheld from such independence, participation, and relationships. 


I was struggling with knowing how to go about addressing toileting goals, and it seemed like there were not many resources available or intervention plans to follow.


And I was feeling more and more incompetent, lost, and overwhelmed, with over 70% of my caseload over the age of 3 still in stinky soiled pull-ups.


Then the bottom fell out from under me when I started addressing toileting goals during my sessions but then did not know how to promote at-home carryover and increase overall parent investment. My primary caregivers would come back the next week with no progress to report, so I felt useless.


This meant my clients would continue to remain in diapers, affecting their overall well-being and independence.


As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but I wasn't ready to give up on my dream of providing excellent care for my clients and helping them become independent in every ADL, especially what seemed to look like the most neglected ADL, toileting.


Then I discovered this evidence-based toilet training system.

At that point, everything changed! I discovered how pediatric therapists can:

  • Address the underlying skills required for toileting independence, such as GI issues, motor skills, and interoception
  • Measure progress and improve carryover, which results in a drastic increase in toileting independence 
  • And how to bill for toileting goals, and coach and consult the primary caregiver during the toilet training process

Because I was introduced to using an evidence-based toilet training system, I was able to understand how pediatric therapists can:

  • Toilet train, the most challenging cases, such as an autistic 13-year-old nonspeaking teen diagnosed with ODD and violent behavior with a history of potty training fails 
  • Help children increase their independence, and participation in extracurricular activities, which relieves the burden on primary caregivers 
  • Help more families and get more referrals, whether that be in the clinic, at home, at school, or remotely via Telehealth

Now I'm living my dream of guiding pediatric therapists to help their clients become independent in toileting so they never have to struggle, feel alone, and try to figure out how to toilet train neurodivergent children and teens ever again.

If you implement each step I show you in this course, you'll know exactly how to approach different behaviors, address the underlying skills during your sessions, finally solidify consistent at-home carryover, and get your clients independent in toileting once and for all.


Lock in today's price before it increases in the future. As I add more and more content, the price will go up - but enroll today, and you'll get all the future updates and modules completely free.

Your friend,

Arianna Medina

Speaker and Author of Toilet Training Success Academy

Presenter Disclosure: 

Financial: Arianna Medina received a one-time honorarium for presenting this course and is an affiliate.

Non-financial: Arianna Medina has no relevant non-financial relationships to disclose.

Content Disclosure: This learning event does not focus exclusively on any specific product or service.


What Pediatric Therapists Are Saying


Faith C., OTR/L 

"As an OT in an outpatient clinic, one of the biggest concerns parents have shared with me are related to toilet training difficulties. I didn't know where to start and the research process for evidence-based practices was daunting. The Toilet Training Success Academy has been an invaluable resource in expanding my expertise as a therapist while helping me feel confident in providing families with solutions that actually work! The information provided within the course is thorough yet practical. The handouts provided are amazing and Arianna has been so great to work with!"


Ann T., OTR/L

"The course includes evidence on protocols that work and that are individualized. The details and helpful checklists in the course make you the expert on how to choose the right protocol. There is also needed education on how to be a toilet training coach. I would not have any confidence in this intervention without this course."

Stephanie C., OTR/L

"I love how in-depth the course went into evidence-based toilet training methods in different settings. Exploring various underlying reasons for various toileting challenges was also extremely helpful. Thank you, Arianna for such a comprehensive toilet training course!"

Introducing Our Expert Guest Speakers

Kerri Hample, OTD, OTR/L, Expert in Selective Eaters

Kerri is a fantastic OTR/L who has over 20 years of experience working with children and teens with selective eating habits and toileting problems. During her extensive continuing education in accomplishing her Certification as a Functional Medicine Health Coach, she has discovered a deeper cause of selective eating problems

In our exclusive interview, Kerri reveals the vicious cycle behind the child or teen's food habits and how to break this cycle in order to achieve ultimate toileting independence once and for all. 

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exists.

Non-Financial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Dr. Steve Hodges, Pediatric Urologist MD, Expert in Enuresis, and Encopresis

Dr. Hodges is an excellent Pediatric Urologist who is an expert in toilet training. Children and teens with severe bedwetting and accident problems are referred to Dr. Hodges on a daily basis. 

During our exclusive interview, he reveals how to resolve constipation, urine withholding, and bedwetting with different diagnoses such as Autism, ADHD, ODD, and SPD in order to achieve ultimate toileting independence and prevent years of suffering. 

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exists.

Non-Financial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Kelly Mahler, OTD, OTR/L, Expert in Interoception

Kelly is an incredible OTR/L and the winner of multiple awards including the 2020 AOTA Emerging and Innovative Practice Award and a Mom's Choice Gold Medal, she is an interoception groupie who is actively involved in research projects on topics such as interoception, self-regulation, trauma, and autism.

In our exclusive interview, she reveals the root cause as to why some children or teens won't respond to the sensation of needing to void and exactly what we can do to address it.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exists.

Non-Financial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Dr. Whitney Sippl, DPT, WCS

Dr. Whitney Sippl is an amazing Pelvic, Abdominal, and Pediatric Physical Therapist who specializes in pelvic health. She has unique insights and perspectives by specializing in pediatric pelvic health but also working with pregnancy and postnatal women's health.

In our exclusive interview, she teaches us how the pelvis works during toileting with an interesting real-life physical pelvis model.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exists.

Non-Financial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Brittany Cheng, MS, OTR/L

Brittany is a wonderful pediatric OTR/L and expert in toilet training and carryover. She really understands how to coach and consult the primary caregiver for successful at-home carryover. 

She shares her secret carryover strategies that we can implement to facilitate at-home carryover during toilet training.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exists.

Non-Financial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Toilet Training Success Academy

Lock-in today's price before it increases in the future. As I add more and more content, the price will go up - but enroll today and you'll get all the future updates and modules completely free.



Curriculum Outline


A Quick Welcome Introduction

A quick welcome and overview of the online course, what to expect, what your workflow should look like and how to get the most out of this course.

Module 1 | Mindset Transformation

I share my emotional story on why this online course was created and I help you break down any limiting beliefs and preconceived notions around toilet training and toileting independence for neurodivergent children, teens, and adults.

Module 2 | Meeting The Family Where They Are

We go over the most recent readiness signs for the client and their family. Here is also where we review toilet training from a neuro-perspective.

Concluded by a To-Do List and an Easy Assessment.

Module 3 | Preparing From The Inside Out

We dive deep into understanding the brain-gut connection, how to address the vicious cycle of selective eating habits, various bowel and bladder problems, interoception, and how to handle meltdowns like a pro. 

Concluded by a To-Do List and an Easy Assessment.

Module 4 | Working With Neurodivergent Behaviors

We dissect a true-life conversation I had with Temple Grandin and reveal very interesting and eye-opening skilled teaching strategies that will help your client eliminate inside the toilet. You will also learn how to uncover your client's strengths and use a strengths-based approach for toileting. 

Concluded by a To-Do List and an Easy Assessment.

Module 5 | Addressing Underlying Skills Through Play

We learn about cognition, executive function, and strength with an emphasis on the pelvic floor, motor, sensory, and behavior as it relates to toileting independence and therapeutic activities and goal writing templates to address toileting goals.

Concluded by a To-Do List and an Easy Assessment.

Module 6 | Toilet Training Treatment Packages

We unveil the 3 most recent strongest Toilet Training Treatment packages for each setting; Home Health, School, Outpatient Clinic, and Telehealth which were conducted with neurodivergent children, teens, and adults that successfully toilet trained the most challenging cases! Here we also go over encopresis, enuresis, regression prevention, and how to bill for toilet training and CPT Codes.

Concluded by a To-Do List and Easy Assessment

Module 7 | Coaching and Carryover

Learn how to become the best toilet training coach backed by new evidence-based research. Here is where you'll learn how to really facilitate strong at-home carryover with the real most valuable players -primary caregivers, teachers, and daycare providers. Learn how to prepare everyone and especially your client to initiate a toilet training treatment package for ultimate toileting independence and success. 

Concluded by a To-Do List and an Easy Assessment.

Conclusion and Final To-Do List

Here you will learn which specific steps to execute and make a massive impact in your professional setting and begin addressing toileting problems and independence head-on with confidence and competence making you the Go-To pediatric therapist for toileting problems and goals. Here you will submit your simple required post-satisfaction questionnaire and easy case study. 

Learning Outcomes


  • You have a new client that desperately needs to be toilet trained and the primary caregiver is looking right at you for help. So you'll be able to:

    1. Identify a child’s level of readiness for toilet training

    2. Identify the family's level of readiness for toilet training

    3. Identify three reasons why primary caregivers may have difficulty with at home carryover and how to adapt and modify accordingly in order to achieve the goals, solidify at-home carryover, and ensure the utmost success.

  • But you know before you can even begin to address toilet training, you must first address the vital prerequisites that most clinicians overlook, so you'll be able to: 

    4. Analyze a child's pooping behavior to determine what type of approach strategy will be most effective and meaningful

    5. Develop three or more specific hypotheses about how a child's bowel and bladder health (constipation or urine withholding) may be related to their food and fluid intake which then impacts the toilet training process as a whole

    6. Apply two or more teaching strategies that increase the variety of nutritious foods and drinks into the child’s repertoire for selective eaters

    7. Generate three or more intervention strategies to address interoception

    8. Analyze a child's potential meltdown triggers in regards to toileting and determine 3 approaches that will prevent or diffuse the trigger.

Now it's time to address the underlying skills needed for ultimate toileting independence. So you'll learn how to: 

9. Analyze a child’s learning style using a process of informal assessment.

10. Analyze a child's level of mastery and emerging underlying skill level for toileting and utilize this understanding to plan meaningful play-learning activities

11. Generate three or more intervention strategies based on a specific child's strengths that will address the underlying skills required for toileting

12. Analyze typical sensory behaviors to identify three barriers to toileting

13. Generate six or more intervention strategies based on sensory approaches in regard to toileting.

  • Wonderful, you've prepped and primed the client for ultimate toileting success but now this is where the real results show, so now you'll learn how to: 

14. Adapt, modify and individualize an evidence-based toilet training treatment package to determine which approach will be most meaningful to the child and family

15. Collaborate with the primary caregiver to develop an At Home Toilet Training Program in consideration of the family’s dynamic and availability.

16. Develop a remote monitoring intervention plan: weekly support, follow-ups, accountability, and an understanding of the family dynamic.

17. Apply the “Regression Prevention Process” and an understanding of family dynamics to identify three reasons why children may regress and what you can do to coach and consult to help the primary caregiver in case of regression.

Once you and the family have masterminded a solid At-Home Toilet Training Program, it's time to fully set up their home environment with all the equipment they need for ultimate success. So you'll know how to: 

18. Analyze a client's learning style to determine what type of toilet training resources (toilet training pics, visual sequence charts, social stories, progress charts) will be most meaningful to them.

19. Plan an individualized visual daytime and nighttime toilet training routine checklist based on your collaboration with the primary caregiver, including instructions at the appropriate level, a method for the child to use the schedule, resources, and at least two concrete ways that the schedule and resources can be used to promote flexibility.

  • Great work! 🥳 But your client thinks any other toilet aside from the toilet at home is the apocalypse! So now it's time for overall generalization at school, daycare, and public restrooms so everyone is on the same page and the child is not brought back to square one. 

20. Synthesize and apply your knowledge of the “Caregiver Carryover Process” across all areas of your client’s occupation environments that he/she will be performing this ADL such as at home, school, and daycare that include at least three carryover strategies from the course.

Here's everything you get INSTANT access to when you join right now!




➡️ Lifetime Access to NEW 2024 Toilet Training Success Academy On-Demand Course ($2,997 value)

➡️ Certification of Completion Awarding you 0.8 AOTA CEUs (8 contact hours) ($997 value)

➡️ ​A collection of NEW validated screening and assessment tools ($497 value)

➡️ ​Evidence-Based Toilet Training Treatment Package Vault ($1,997 value)

➡️  A strong coaching model + TeleSCOPE Intervention Blueprint with exclusive access to done-for-you online parent-directed models to ensure carryover across all settings ($997 value)


If you enroll today, I will add in the bonuses listed below that normally cost $2,791 for FREE.


 BONUS #1 ➡️ Pediatric Toilet Training Toolbox (for therapists only), which includes 50+ Downloadable Done-For-You resources, including visual sequence charts, handouts, parental brochures, bowel and bladder diaries, checklists, 4 Free Digital Copies of our Newest Toilet Training Children's Books and much more. ($297 value)

 BONUS #2 ➡️ Want to create an in-service, workshop, or online mini-course on Toilet Training specifically for primary caregivers, teachers, or staff? We can help you accomplish that with a proven DFY workshop blueprint that you can easily implement. This is an excellent way to increase referrals, help more families, and increase your income. ($1,997 value)

 BONUS #3 ➡️Upon enrollment,  you will be added to our exclusive provider referral list ($497 value)


TOTAL VALUE: $10,276.00


Today Only $497 




Toilet Training Success Academy

Lock-in today's price before it increases in the future. As I add more and more content, the price will go up - but enroll today and you'll get all the future updates and modules completely free.



Customer Reviews

Louise D., OTR/L, Clinic


"Great Course! Very helpful in learning about the various aspects of toileting and how to treat various issues. Great handouts were provided as well. Highly recommend this course as an OT."

Lacey L., OTR/L, Clinic


"I do not always feel like I have the needed time to review evidence-based articles related to pertinent topics (such as toileting) and am often limited to anecdotal advice. I most appreciated an in-depth review of current literature to make informed decisions regarding toilet training practices. I have already implemented and recommended strategies to my families including the use of a tiny toilet to carry them to the bathroom when practicing and reading potty books prior to practicing in the clinic."

Daza H., Clinic


"The instructor was very clear and explained things in a way that was easy to understand. I enjoyed the way the information was presented and backed up with research. I will use the information and skills learned in his course to further improve my career. I can also implement these skills in my personal life when the time comes to potty train my kids."

Rowan B., OTR/L


Taihler N., COTA/LSchool


"It was great."

Kaylee F., OTR/L, Clinic Lexington Services


"Despite so many methods out there it was nice to have evidence-based approaches presented with a clear method for working through toilet training and addressing many of the grey areas in between."

Shirley C., OTR/L, School


"The Toilet Training Success Academy is a complete package guiding both the experienced and the not so experienced therapist on how to ensure toilet training successs. Arianna provides information regarding the necessary underlying skills and body awareness needed, as well as strategies on how to elicit these from your client. I highly recommend this course to therapists who work with clients who need toilet trainging. The course provides us with protocols for variuos settings, not just home or clinic. Most valuable were the modules that discuss the various protocols for different settings. I plan to use the knowledge to implement a toilet training program in the school I work in."

Kayla B., Speech-Language Pathologist Assistant, School


"This course is particularly useful when it comes to any parents or professional who is having difficulty toilet training their students or children. It provides downloadable resources that can be utilized during the training process as well as many studies/facts about why certain methods of toilet training are more effective than others. This course is extremely detailed and well-researched! I intend on using this knowledge to assist the paraprofessionals/parents within the school system I work with."

Naomi O., PT, Clinic


"Interesting course with some good resources."

Julie S., OTR/L, Home Health


"The Toilet Training Success Academy gave me more hands on interventions such as play and modeling with toys to increase understanding of toileting process in a less threatening environment prior to introducing the toilet. I will be implementing all learned techniques with multiple children in my home health setting."

Margarita Y., OTR/L, School


"Detailed overview of EBP research and articles, as well as interviews. Will to incorporate into my interventions with neuro-divergent school population. Collaborate with teachers, paras and parents/ primary caregivers."

Carla P., OTR/L, Clinic


"I found the evidence based research very helpful! I will use it in clinic, before I was overwhelmed by TT. I know feel suitable to address this need in our profession within the pediatric field."

Olandria L., OTR/L, Home Health


"The overall course was really helpful in helping to understand simply where to start with TT. I enjoyed learning how to approach and solve challenges that I see too often and was stumped on how to get pass them. I am new to the TT realm and feel a bit more confident that I can provide the families I serve true hope in reaching their goals. I truly appreciate all of the resources provided and Arianna's prompt responses to any and all questions/comments I had. Her thoroughness in researching this topic does not go unseen."

Elizabeth A., OTR/L, Clinic


"Enjoyed the evidence review of literature on the topic."

Stephanie T., OTR/L, Clinic


"This course does a fantastic job at looking at toileting from different angles and providing a holistic approach to helping parents and therapists learn the skills to assist children with developing this skill. I found it interesting, as well as confirming to the current strategies I use with clients.I intend to use some of the strategies learned within my work setting. I have many families coming to therapy for assistance with toilet training. I think the visuals and suggestions will be helpful to use when goal setting with families."

Kylie R., OTR/L, Home Health


"I like the flexibility of scheduling, where you go at your own pace and there are multi-level EBP approaches for specific toileting problems to make the ability to apply the materials more achievable based on client presentation. I intend to use this for several families who have struggled with toilet training their 7+ year old child and hope to work down the age ladder of my younger clients to assist in prolonged independence. With the resources and slides, I hope to create more customized approaches that can be applied multi contextually and cultural."

Helene K., OTR/L, Clinic


"Thank you for doing the research on all the different TT methods."

Ann K., OTR/L, Clinic


"The course includes evidence on protocols that work and that are individualized. The details and helpful checklists in the course make you the expert on how to choose the right protocol. There is also needed education on how to be a toilet training coach. I would not have any confidence in this intervention without this course. I have already used the coaching/collaborative style with 2 parents. I have instilled a path and some confidence in the things going well and have become a resource and an accountability partner. "

Miranda H., OTR/L, Clinic


"Great resource with so much helpful information! I loved all the research articles that were referenced. I work in an outpatient setting with children with a variety of diagnoses. I have already started to implement the handout and assessments provided to assist families in toilet training children!"

Kristen A., OTR/L, Clinic


"Very thoroughly researched and blending insights and interviews from ALL of the disciplines involved was super helpful. I feel much more confident in toilet training than I have in my 10 years as a practitioner."

Theda B., OTR/L, Clinic


"Thank you for synthesizing all of the evidence-based research and presenting it in this format. Thank you also for all of the ideas and handouts we can use with families. I appreciated your friendly and easy-going nature. I see children at our outpatient clinic daily that are struggling with potty training that are autistic or developmentally delayed. Some are not potty trained at all after parents say they tried and failed, some have frequent accidents even after potty training, and some have constipation issues. Almost all have picky eating issues and do not stray far from the "tan diet. This course will help me set up better plans with the families to tackle the potty training issues."

Patille N., OTR/L, Home Health


"I love how how concrete and practical this information and that it is evidence-based. I feel much more equipped to support the kiddos and families I work with. I intend to help families in the home health setting which children ranging in ages 3-14 with TT."

Wendy T., OTR/L, School


"Phase 2 was helpful for understanding how the child's strengths and processing impact the behaviors around toileting. The course covered several areas, coaching, Telehealth, and toilet training. I'm going to start having conversations with teams around toilet training, and with my fellow OTs."

Sarah V., OTR/L, Clinic



Ella A., OTR/L, Clinic


"Super helpful course with handouts to include caregivers and parents in the process. Provided evidence to back up theories and interventions. I have so many families coming in whose main stressor at home is difficulty with toilet training their kids with special needs. I plan on implementing some of the strategies and interventions as well as including the parent/caregiver in the process with the education piece and handouts."

Faith C., OTR/L, Clinic


"As an OT in an outpatient clinic, one of the biggest concerns parents have shared with me are related to toilet training difficulties. I didn't know where to start and the research process for evidence-based practices was daunting. The Toilet Training Success Academy has been an invaluable resource in expanding my expertise as a therapist while helping me feel confident in providing families with solutions that actually work! The information provided within the course is thorough yet practical. The handouts provided are amazing and Arianna has been so great to work with!"

Nour O., OTR/L, Clinic


"I would like to thank you for this course and I am so happy and satisfied with what I have learned through this course. the course is very comprehensive, goal-directed. it provides me with very important tips on how to do toilet trained children on my caseload in different settings such as clinics, telehealth and daycare. The attached resources are very helpful. thank you."

Siobhan D., OTR/L, School


"It was a very insightful course that encompassed a wide variety of toilet training topics! I thoroughly enjoyed this course. It was insightful and really had me think about the whole child in terms of toilet training. I believe this was a beautifully formatted course"

Stephanie C., OTR/L, Clinic


"I loved how in-depth the course went into evidence-based toilet training methods in different settings. Exploring various underlying reasons for various toileting challenges was also extremely helpful. Thank you Arianna for such a comprehensive toilet training course!"

Amy W., Child Therapist


"Such a thorough course! It is obviously well-researched and presented beautifully."

Yun F., OTR/L, Home Health


"Love this course! Learnt a lot about underlying issues to toileting, and more clear ways to coach parents throughout the toileting journey."