The Complete Pediatric Potty Training Online Bootcamp To Take Parents From Zero To Hero

How parents can teach neurodivergent children and teens how to reach ultimate toileting independence quickly without feeling incompetent, frustrated, or overwhelmed

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Struggling with your child or teen still in pull-ups?

So many parents out there are struggling, frustrated, and overwhelmed because they are tired of their son or daughter missing out on meaningful camps, classes, and educational activities due to not being potty trained. They've literally tried it all and failed so many times...

And no support seems to be available...

They search for help but the support and resources don't seem to be available that they truly need to help their son or daughter replace pull-ups with cotton underwear, become independent in toileting with pee and poop, and maintain that independence once and for all...

Imagine helping your kid reach ultimate toileting independence once and for all..

This Pediatric Potty Training Bootcamp is carefully designed by pediatric therapists and backed by evidence-based research specifically for parents and primary caregivers who are determined to promote ultimate toileting independence and improve engagement, participation, and self-esteem for their son or daughter.

Parents are struggling with their child or teen still in pull-ups...

So many parents out there are struggling, frustrated, and overwhelmed because they are tired of their son or daughter missing out on meaningful camps, classes, and educational activities. They've literally tried it all and failed so many times. They've tried so many methods and techniques with no real progress or success...

And they are not receiving the support they deserve and need...

They ask pediatric professionals but no one seems to be available to give them the time, resources, and support they truly need to help their son or daughter replace pull-ups with cotton underwear, become independent in toileting with pee and poop, and maintain that independence once and for all...

Pediatric Potty Training Bootcamp teaches parents how to get their kid independent in toileting once and for all..

This online program is carefully designed by pediatric therapists and backed by evidence-based research specifically for parents and primary caregivers who are determined to promote ultimate toileting independence and improve engagement, participation, and self-esteem for their son or daughter.


How Pediatric Potty Training Bootcamp Works 


Who is this for? 

This Distance Learning online course is for parents and primary caregivers who are determined to toilet-train neurodiverse children and teens quickly. This online course is created and delivered by pediatric therapists and is backed by evidence-based research specifically for parents who are tired of their kids missing out on meaningful fun and educational activities and relationships.

When does it start?

You start as soon as you enroll and will have immediate 12-month access to our self-paced, 1-hour online curriculum. All you need is a desktop computer, laptop, iPad, or mobile device and a Wi-Fi connection to instantly access this online course from anywhere in the world. Rest assured, you can have peace of mind knowing you’ll never feel alone in your journey because we are here with you every step of the way.

What's included?

This online program includes a Certificate of Completion and self-directed, result-orientated educational modules specifically designed for parents and primary caregivers that are easy to understand and implement. It provides you with a strong evidence-based toilet training system that has been able to toilet train the most difficult cases, measuring sheets, 50+ toileting resources, and much more.

🎉 Expert Guest Speakers 🎉

Kelly Mahler, OTD, OTR/L - Expert in Interoception and Toilet Training

Kelly is the winner of multiple awards including the 2020 AOTA Emerging and Innovative Practice Award & a Mom’s Choice Gold Medal, she is an interoception groupie who is actively involved in research projects on topics such as interoception, self-regulation, trauma, and autism.

In our interview, she reveals the root cause as to why some children don't recognize that they need to toilet and exactly what we can do to achieve ultimate toileting success. 

Kerri Hample, OTD, OTR/L - Expert in Selective Eaters and Toilet Training

Kerri has 20+ years of experience working with selective eaters and toileting problems. During her extensive continuing education in accomplishing her Certification as a Functional Medicine Health Coach, she has discovered a deeper root to these problems.

In our interview, she reveals the vicious cycle behind our children's food habits and how to break them in order to achieve ultimate toileting independence once and for all.

Dr. Steve Hodges, Pediatric Urologist MD - Expert in Enuresis, Encopresis, and Toilet Training

Children with severe bedwetting and accident problems are referred to Dr. Hodges on a daily basis. 

During our interview, he reveals how to resolve constipation, urine withholding, and bedwetting with diagnoses such as Autism, ADHD, ODD, and SPD in order to achieve ultimate toileting independence and prevent years of suffering.


Curriculum Outline


A Quick Welcome Message

▶️ A Quick Welcome

▶️ Overview of the online course

▶️ What to expect

▶️ What your training should look like

▶️ How to get the most out of this course.

Module 1 | Toilet Training System

▶️ Is your child/teen ready?

▶️ Strategic skilled strategies

▶️ Understanding your child/teen's learning type and strengths

▶️ Helping your child/teen identify the need to eliminate

▶️ Training your child/teen how to initiate toileting independently

▶️ A Step-By-Step Outline of the Toileting Program and how to implement 

▶️ Amazing Stunning Successful Case Studies

Module 2 | Prepare and Execute

▶️ Preparing yourself as the trainer and mindset

▶️ Preparing your environment and how to make notes on progress

▶️ Preparing the child/teen for success

▶️ Breaking down the training elements

▶️ Positive Practice Protocol and Positive Reinforcement

▶️ Daily Schedules and Routines

▶️ Fading out training elements

▶️ Day 1: Breakdown of the steps and schedule for the first day

Module 3: Wrap up and Conclusion

▶️ Carryover and A Quick Welcome

▶️ Fading out Cues and Assistance 

▶️ Fading out Scheduled Toileting 

▶️ Continued Reinforcement 


▶️ Interoception "Potty and Body Awareness" Workbook

▶️ Potty Training Readiness Checklist

▶️ Parent Directed Scripts

▶️ Recording Charts 

▶️ Q & A Handouts

What you'll learn

  ✔️ How to assess readiness based on NEW evidence-based readiness signs so that you know for sure if your kid is ready

  ✔️ Skilled teaching strategies so that you know how to develop positive communication between you and your kid even if your kid is non-speaking or visually impaired using skilled teaching strategies

  ✔️ How to help your child or teen become aware of the internal sensation of the need to eliminate and how to appropriately react to this internal sensation

  ✔️ How to address power struggles, meltdowns, and toileting refusal

  ✔️ Skilled toilet training scripts to improve consistency and instill new habits of eliminating both pee and poop inside the toilet

  ✔️ The evidence-based toilet training treatment package and how to implement the training step-by-step no matter your work demands

Tired of your child or teen missing out on classes, camps, and meaningful activities because they are not "potty trained?"

Helping your child or teen become independent in toileting is more than promoting independence itself, it is about increasing their participation, engagement, relationships, and self-esteem in the world as well as relieving yourself of extra burdens...


Toilet Training Success Academy is for you if:

  • You work with Autism, ADHD, Oppositional defiant disorder, Sensory processing disorder, Down syndrome, Spina Bifida, and related diagnoses
  • You have kiddos on your caseload who are still in diapers that desperately need to be toilet trained
  • You feel guilty avoiding toileting goals knowing your client could be toilet trained given the proper intervention and carryover
  • You want to have the confidence knowing your family will follow through at home when you're not there

Here's everything you get INSTANT access to when you join right now!




2-Week Training Program

➡️ Lifetime Access to NEW 2023 Evidence-Based Pediatric Potty Training Bootcamp On-Demand Online Course ($1,997 value)

➡️ ​2-Week Email Q&A Support ($100 value)

 If you enroll today, I will add in the bonuses listed below that normally cost $297 for FREE.

 BONUS #1 ➡️ Pediatric Toilet Training Toolbox which includes 50+ Downloadable Done-For-You resources, including visual sequence charts, handouts, parental brochures, bowel and bladder diaries, checklists, 4 Free Digital Copies of our Newest Toilet Training Children's Books and much more. ($297 value) 

 BONUS #2 ➡️ LIMITED TIME BONUS TRAINING  "What to Do When My Kid Won't Poop!"  and "Potty Training 101" ($97 value) 


Limited Time Only $97




4-Week Training Program

➡️ Lifetime Access to NEW 2023 Evidence-Based Pediatric Potty Training Bootcamp On-Demand Online Course ($1,997 value)

➡️ 4-​Weekly Email Q&A Support ($200 value)

➡️ ​​4-Weekly Data Collecting Interpretation to Hold You Accountable and Help You Troubleshoot, Modify, Adapt Your Skilled Approach ($240 value)

➡️ ​​4-Weekly Daily Dairy Log Review and Feedback to Help You Get Clarity, Provide Insights, and Help You Make Decisions ($240 value)

➡️ ​4-Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls With Like-Minded Parents, Primary Caregivers and Pediatric Therapists To Increase Your Success Rate ($320 value)

If you enroll today, I will add in the bonuses listed below that normally cost $297 for FREE.

 BONUS #1 ➡️ Pediatric Toilet Training Toolbox which includes 50+ Downloadable Done-For-You resources, including visual sequence charts, handouts, parental brochures, bowel and bladder diaries, checklists, 4 Free Digital Copies of our Newest Toilet Training Children's Books and much more. ($297 value) 

  BONUS #2 ➡️ LIMITED TIME BONUS TRAINING  "What to Do When My Kid Won't Poop!" and "Potty Training 101" ($97 value) 


Limited Time Only $397




8-Week Training and Maintenance Program

➡️ Lifetime Access to NEW 2023 Evidence-Based Pediatric Potty Training Bootcamp On-Demand Online Course ($1,997 value)

➡️ ​8-Weekly Email Q&A Support ($400 value)

➡️ ​​8-Weekly Data Collecting Interpretation to Hold You Accountable and Help You Troubleshoot, Modify, Adapt Your Skilled Approach ($420 value)

➡️ ​​8-Weekly Daily Dairy Log Review and Feedback to Help You Get Clarity, Provide Insights, and Help You Make Decisions ($540 value)

➡️ ​8-Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls With Like-Minded Parents, Primary Caregivers, and Pediatric Therapists To Increase Your Success Rate ($640 value)

If you enroll today, I will add in the bonuses listed below that normally cost $297 for FREE.

 BONUS #1 ➡️ Pediatric Toilet Training Toolbox which includes 50+ Downloadable Done-For-You resources, including visual sequence charts, handouts, parental brochures, bowel and bladder diaries, checklists, 4 Free Digital Copies of our Newest Toilet Training Children's Books and much more. ($297 value) 

 BONUS #2 ➡️ LIMITED TIME BONUS TRAINING  "What to Do When My Kid Won't Poop!" and "Potty Training 101" ($97 value) 

 TOTAL VALUE: $4,303

Today Only $997


We almost gave up on toilet training...

 You may be wondering a little about how I came to be here with you today...

Let me tell you a quick story about the trend of parents on my caseload desperately struggling with potty training their son or daughter...

At the time, all the moms wanted was to become their son or daughter's hero and for them to be independent in toileting once and for all...

They were struggling because they didn't have the support they needed and deserved...

And the moms on my caseload were getting more and more overwhelmed, frustrated, and concerned...

As a pediatric therapist, I decided to take massive action because I felt like it was my moral duty to guide these parents to become the hero and pediatric parents at home...

I thought, "They are no different than pediatric therapists, as a matter of fact, they are better! They are more equipped, they are the real experts, they just don't know the skilled approach and a proven strong, evidence-based system to follow..."

Finally, I began collaborating with the parents and they began to implement the program but then the bottom fell out from under us when the parents started to have a difficult time with their babysitter and school teachers carrying over...

Which meant we couldn't ensure ultimate toileting independence...

As you can imagine, I was in bad shape and desperate, but the moms weren't ready to give up on their kids and I wasn't ready to give up on my dream of guiding parents to become the hero for their kids...

Then I discovered the perfect Pediatric Potty Training System backed by evidence-based research that has toilet trained the most profound cases, providing parents with the know-how and making them the pediatric experts at home and how to ensure carryover...

At that point, everything changed!

We discovered how parents can:

  • Help their kids with toilet training even if they work full time and ensure carryover with babysitters and teachers
  • Toilet train neurodivergent children and teens to eliminate pee and poop inside all toilets
  • No longer feel frustrated with power struggles or ineffective communication

Because this specific Pediatric Potty Training Treatment Package was introduced to parents, they are now able to: 

  • Finally, get their kids out of pull-ups and into cotton underwear and eliminate inside the toilet
  • significantly increase their child or teen's independence, participation, and engagement in meaningful activities
  • have the peace of mind, confidence, and relief knowing their child or teen can achieve ultimate toileting independence.

Now we are living the dream of guiding parents to become the heroes for their kids and they never have to worry about feeling alone, desperate, or struggle with potty training ever again...

And that's why I'm so passionate about our Online Course "Pediatric Potty Training Bootcamp" so you can experience the freedom too! I invite you to join us now



No more accidents, power struggles, and guesswork...

Potty training is an emotional process on its own. No need to add any unnecessary stress and anxiety. Make the decision to get the support you deserve and start following an evidence-based proven pediatric potty training system that has toilet trained the most profound cases.


What Parents Are Saying


Shonelle Q., Mom


"This program was a LIFE SAVER! Before we found this course, we had literally read every book we could find on potty training and tried every method, and after years of failing our five-year-old son was back in pull-ups. After three weeks of following the program, he was wearing cotton underwear, successfully using the toilet, and taking full responsibility for his accidents. The best part was how empowering the program was for him. All the methods we'd tried previously eventually devolved into power struggles, and I was worried such intensive protocols would lead to the same. However, we were thrilled it was quite the opposite-- the program engaged him positively and became a lasting foundation that we've been building on since. I can't imagine we would have made the progress we did any other way. The coaches were so encouraging and responsive, offering the guidance we needed to be successful. We were blown away by how much effort the coaches put into working with us and are deeply grateful for this course and support."

Ellie L., Mom


"This program was the only thing that helped improve my 6-year-old son’s accidents that were happening daily. We even took a trip and my son had no accidents on the airplane. It was amazing. I would say we saw a 90% improvement within a few days!"


Ben, a 13-year-old, nonspeaking male, with very aggressive behavior who never showed any continence skills and a history of potty training failures...

Ben was diagnosed with Global Developmental Delay and had very aggressive behavior. He scored at 2 years and 4 months for communication, 3 years and 1 month for daily living skills, 2 years and 3 months for socialization, and 5 years and 11 months for motor skills. He wore a pad at all times. After implementing the toilet training program we reveal in this course, Ben became independent in toileting within 2 weeks and maintained success at the 6-week and 24-month follow-up. The toilet training elements revealed in this online educational course have toilet trained the most profound cases...